经济学分为应用经济学和理论经济学两大类,应用经济学包括金融学、财政学、国际贸易学、工业经济学、会计学、产业经济学、区域经济学等。理论经济学包括政治经济学、西方经济学 ...
政治经济学(英语:Political economics),广义地说,是研究一个社会生产、资本、流通、交换、分配和消费等经济活动、经济关系和经济规律的学科。
经济史(Economic History)是指经济领域的发展历史和经济状态的变迁史。从广义上讲,经济史是指人类以往从事经济活动过程的总称,是独立于人的意识之外的客观事件,从狭义上说,经济史是指经济史学家通过文字以及符号等对上述经济活动活动发展规律的描述解释。它是对于过去的经济和经济现象的研究。
区域经济学(Regional Economics,也称地区经济学)是经济学与地理学交叉而形成的应用经济学。空间经济学一词常作为区域经济学的同义词。当区域经济学的课题特别涉及到城镇时,则使用城市经济学一词。区域经济学是从经济学角度研究区域经济发展与区域关系协调的科学。
产业经济学(Industrial Economics)以“产业”为研究对象,主要包括产业结构、产业组织、产业发展、产业布局和产业政策等,探讨资本主义经济在以工业化为中心的经济发展中产业之间的关系结构、产业内的企业组织结构变化的规律、经济发展中内在的各种均衡问题等。通过研究为国家制定国民经济发展战略,为制定的产业政策提供经济理论依据。产业经济是居于宏观经济与微观经济之间的中观经济,是连接宏微观经济的纽带。
国际贸易学是一门应用经济学 学科,主要研究国际贸易理论与政策、企业国际化经营、国际商务与全球营销、国际贸易风险分析与规避,为企业高层管理人员制定国际化经营战略和政府有关部门制定国际贸易政策提供理论依据和分析手段。
劳动经济学(Labour economics),经济学的一个分支,研究在劳动市场中,劳工与雇主之间的互动,如何影响到工资、雇佣与收入。人力资本的观念即起源于这个学科。
农业经济学是研究农业中生产关系和生产力运动规律的科学。农业经济学是研究农业生产,及与其相联系的交换、分配和消费等经济活动和经济关系的学科。其内容包括农业中生产关系发展变化,生产力诸要素的合理组织与开发利用的规律及应用 等。
发展经济学(英语:Development economics),经济学的分支之一,主要研究对象为贫困落后的农业国家或发展中国家如何实现工业化、摆脱贫困、走向富裕的过程。
卫生经济学(health economics) 研究卫生服务、人民健康与社会经济发展之间的相互制约关系、卫生领域内的经济关系和经济资源的合理使用,以揭示卫生领域内经济规律发生作用的范围、形式和特点的学科。

中国经济学家 ,英国《金融时报》中文网专栏作家 ,经济观察报专栏作家,北京大学国家发展研究院研究员、北京大学国家发展研究院法律经济学教授、北京大学法律经济学研究中心联席主任。薛兆丰曾为美国西北大学法学院博士后研究员,为美国乔治·梅森大学经济学博士。
Institutes :Peking University

Institutes :Tongji University

Institutes :Fudan University

Institutes :The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Industrial economics is a study of industrial organization, industrial structure and industrial policy, which is an important sub-discipline of applied economics. The contents of this course include the theory of industrial organization, the theory of industrial structure, industrial policy theories and so on. Through this course, students are expected to master the basic theoretical knowledge of industrial and economic development, and make correct analysis of various economic phenomena and problems in real life.
1. Students will be familiar with labor market phenomenon and policies;2. Students will be able to use microeconomic models to analyze important issues and questions in related areas3. Students will be able to combine economic theory and data and conduct empirical research as well as discussion4. Students will combine knowledge from other disciplines and have a deeper understanding about economic issues and policies
This is an introductory course in financial econometric. We will discuss the basic analytic tools and their applications. The course focuses mainly on the linear model specification, Ordinary Least Square regression method, and limits of classical OLS method.
This lesson includes the contents as below:the introduction of Financial markets, interest rates, principle of Bank, Model of money supply, financial innovation, monetary policy and so on
This course teaches macroeconomics at the intermediate level. It elaborates on the main macro economics topics including national income, money and inflation, unemployment, business cycles and economics growth. The basic analytical framework such as the IS-LM model is taught through which the key macro economic variables and their interactions can be studied. The course also discusses government economic policies and their implications. As time permits, a brief introductory to modern macroeconomics theories will be given.
This course will discuss the basic principles of microeconomics, but in a more formal and structured way than the introductory economics does. The topics will include the classical price theory (consumer choice, producer theory and market equilibrium analysis), market failure (externality and public goods), as well as some recent exciting developments in game theory and information economics. While we try as much as possible to demonstrate the beauty and rigor of microeconomic theories, we will apply these analytical tools to the real world and test the validity of their predictions. I will use many real world examples to show the relevance and power of economic thinking. To be sure, the principles we will cover in this course provide the foundation of almost all theories in modern economics.
Conceptual introduction to financial accounting. Emphasis is placed on wealth and income measurement and the preparation and interpretation of conventional financial statements.
Basic probability, Statistical inference,Estimation ,Testing ,Regression
Advanced Mathematics is designed to serve students majoring in chemical science, computer science and engineering etc. It consists of two parts of a two-semester sequence. The course begins with a rapid review of topics in algebra and trigonometry, which you should be competent in. Part 1, consisting of Chapters 1 to 7, is devoted to single variable differentiation, integration and differential equations. It covers the fundamental concepts and theorems. Part 2, consisting of Chapters 8 to 12, discusses in depth multivariable differentiation, integration, infinite series, vectors and the geometry of space.
"Economics of Development explores the principles and issues of economic development. In this course we will ask: How does a developing country break the poverty trap and evolve to a modern economy with a higher living standard? What are the processes and conditions of economic development? and Is there a scope for policy? What policies and strategies should be tried out? "
Excel, eviews, SPSS, STATA